Saturday, June 3 • 10:00am - 11:45am
Cargo Bike Test Ride

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Hosted by The Pustejovsky Family
Queen of Peace Parish Parking Lot
401 S Owen Drive, Madison WI
June 3rd, 2023, 10am
Are you cargo-bike curious? Interested in driving less and having more fun in your life? Want to test ride a cargo bike in a low-pressure, safe, and social environment? 
We are organizing a crowd-sourced event to help parents interested in using cargo bikes to transport children (or other small creatures), people who'd like to carry groceries or supplies by bike, and any other folks who are curious about cargo bikes. The event will bring together current cargo bike owners that live in the community, to give you a chance to chat, ask questions, and try out different shapes, sizes, and styles of bikes.
The goal is to supplement information from online and bike shop visits. Test riding in a parking lot can be easier than in the streets around a bike shop for new riders. It is also a fun social event for everyone. Light refreshments provided!
How to get to the event: easy bike ride from the Southwest Commuter Path, Bus Route 6 and 7 are close by, and there will be a large parking lot as well.
If you're interested in attending, please fill out and submit the form on this page. We will use this information to try to make sure we have a good match between current owners and the interests of people shopping for such bikes to make sure the event is useful and helpful for everyone.
Bring a helmet for any adult that is going to test drive and any child that is going to test ride.
This may or may not be an event suitable for children, especially for the owners. Some children are not patient enough to wait while adults stand around and gab, your mileage may vary!  However, there is a very nice playground immediately adjacent to the parking lot, so children can play while adults talk.
The Cargo Bike Shop will also be there with bikes and to talk.
If you are interested in test riding, we will require that you leave your state or federal photo ID with the owners of the bike while test riding.
By filling out this form, you agree not to hold Mary Pustejovsky or Queen of Peace Parish liable for injuries while riding a bicycle on the property or for any damage that may happen to your bike.
Shoppers you can come anytime between 10-11, the event will wind down between 11:15 and noon.

Learn more about this event here!

Saturday June 3, 2023 10:00am - 11:45am CDT
Queen of Peace Parish Parking Lot